

Explore Kamakura, the birthplace of the first samurai government in 1192

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Kamakura is definitely our top pick for a day trip whenever we’re staying with our folks back in Kawasaki. The vibe there is just a whole different ball game compared to the city hustle. It’s like stepping into a calm, serene world where every garden and path tells a story. Trust me, you’ve got to see the Hase-dera and Kencho-ji temple gardens. They’re not just patches of greenery; they’re carefully crafted pieces of art. Walking through these gardens feels like moving through a peaceful landscape painting, where every path and plant seems carefully placed to create a sense of calm. It’s the ideal spot to relax and escape the hectic pace of city life.

The beaches there? Absolutely stellar! Shonan Beach is just a short jaunt from Kamakura station and it’s the go-to spot if you’re looking to catch some waves, soak up some sun, or just laze around on the sand. And if you feel like a little island adventure, hop over to Enoshima Island. The views there? Killer! Plus, it’s packed with historic spots and attractions that are too good to miss.

Now, let’s talk about something truly unique to Kamakura – Kamakura-bori. This isn’t just any craft; it’s an 800-year legacy of woodcarving that knocks your socks off. The artists here take wood, carve out the most intricate designs of nature like flowers, birds, you name it, then lacquer it up to make it shine. Every time we visit there, we get something with Kamakura-bori. Walking into those shops and studios, watching these craftsmen work their magic – it’s mesmerizing. And hey, they even let you try your hand at it. How cool is that?

Of course, no trip to Kamakura is complete without saying hi to the Big Guy – the Great Buddha, or Daibutsu. This colossal bronze statue isn’t just a feast for the eyes; it’s a slice of history standing tall at 44 feet and weighing a whopping 121 tons. Located at the Kotoku-in temple, this icon dates back to the 13th century. And the best part? We went inside this giant which is an interesting experience!

So, whether you’re a history buff, a culture vulture, a beach bum, or someone who appreciates fine gardens and crafts, Kamakura has something for everyone. It’s this incredible mix of natural beauty, rich heritage, and artsy vibes that makes it an absolute must-visit spot on your Japan itinerary. Trust us, once you go, you’ll know why we keep coming back.

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Two Perfect Days in Kamakura

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